Harvest Moon

September 17, 2024

This is a very busy full moon whose energies are amplified by a partial lunar eclipse. The predominant energies we’ll be working with are our emotions, spirituality, compassion, intuition, experience of the soul, and idealism. 

Full Moon

The Full Moon is considered an opportune time to release the feelings that no longer serve our goals, dreams, intentions, or essential being.

When we look back at our intentions on the new moon, they may have been a small goal that we could accomplish over the course of one lunar cycle - like cleaning out a closet.  Or, they may have been part of a larger goal or desire that will require many cycles to manifest - like living your life’s purpose. 

Regardless of the breadth of our intentions, we can use the energies of each moon cycle as guiding steps toward our goals. This month, what we choose to release will be guided by the sign of Pisces and other influences on the moon’s energies.

Maybe we don’t remember the intention you set. That’s OK. We can use this time to think about what we really want in our lives. Clearly envisioning what we desire allows us to identify the blocks to our progress. 

Emotional sensitivities and the beliefs associated with them that may have supported us in the past may now be limiting us. It’s time to identify what stands in the way of your intentions. Letting go of this baggage makes room for emotional and spiritual growth. 

Lunar Eclipse

During a lunar eclipse, the moon’s energy is supercharged and we will feel its energies more intensely. It can be a time of major transformation. 

Harvest Moon

The September full moon has come to be known as the Harvest Moon because, as a supermoon, it provided farmers with extra light to harvest their crops into the night. Not just at the peak of the moon’s fullness, but for the days leading up to and following the full moon. The moonlight is brighter, perhaps illuminating things we may not have seen before and expanding our light within. 

  • The Harvest Moon calls on us to be discriminating in our choices as we separate the wheat from the chaff - that which is ripe and that which is past its time. 

  • We hold the harvest with gratitude for the gifts of our labors and the abundance of blessings it brings.

  • We allow the moon to illuminate our path and expand our light.


This full moon in the sign of Pisces will amplify our intuition, compassion, spiritual connection, and creativity.  

We may feel drawn to introspection and touching base with our deepest emotions. We may experience our connection to Source and guides more profoundly. Our deepest selves are receptive to guidance as we determine what is of value to us and what should be released. Setting aside a quiet time and place to listen to ourselves and our souls will benefit us. Using the time to let our creativity loose will be freeing and insightful. Creativity also refers to creating something new in our lives. Most often, we need to release something in order to make room to create growth. 


The energy of this moon is merged with the planet that rules Pisces. They share very similar qualities, further underscoring the spiritual nature of this moon’s energy. Our spirituality, compassion, experience of the soul, and idealism will be prominent. 


The moon is also being influenced by a planet whose role is to teach us - this time by pulling in the reins a bit on our reverie. This is the energy of limitations, boundaries, authority, and structure. It calls on us to create a structure and discipline to hold our spiritual and emotional explorations. It reminds us of our need to create boundaries that prevent negative energies from draining us. Saturn also encourages us to own our own authority over our spiritual and emotional lives. Lastly, manifesting our intentions often requires work - and this planet loves to remind us of that!


During this time, another planet may be offering us flashes of insight into our emotional, spiritual, and creative lives. We’ll feel the urge for freedom and change. We may even feel a bit rebellious. In reality, we are just wanting to be ourselves. We are embracing our authenticity without judgment or hesitation. 

So, I want to leave us with these thoughts to ponder: 

  • How can spiritual, compassionate, creative, intuitive energy help us release what is not serving our journey?

  • In what ways can we use structure and boundaries to serve our purpose?

  • How can we harness the energies of change and freedom to guide us in fulfilling our intentions?




Autumnal Equinox


Super Blue Moon